5 Ways to Make an Assisted Living Residence Feel Like Home

HomeBlog5 Ways to Make an Assisted Living Residence Feel Like Home

At Vienna Village Assisted Living, we offer various assisted living opportunities for seniors. With each opportunity, we also welcome our residents to take steps towards making their assisted living residence feel like home. Doing so can significantly improve their general happiness and well-being as they adjust to the new environment.

5 Ways to Make an Assisted Living Residence Feel Like Home

In this article, we’ll go over some key ways to help loved ones feel more at home when they move to a new assisted living residence.

  • Customize the Residence: Loved ones can help ease the transition process to an assisted living residence by bringing treasured belongings from their previous home. Even adding a favorite chair, rug, or piece of art can go a long way in helping residents more comfortable.
  • Decorate and Arrange Furnishings: If possible, try to set up a living area like their former home. Not only does it offer a sense of familiarity, but it can also give your loved one greater peace of mind. Additionally, residents could bring in aromas or sounds connected to their former living space through their favorite music, air fresheners, or sound recordings.
  • Promote Social Interaction: Loved ones should encourage their family members to engage in group activities and socialize with their neighbors. Developing relationships with their peers can contribute to a welcoming and cozy assisted living residence.
  • Sustain Interests and Hobbies: If possible, encourage your loved one to maintain their interests and hobbies. Having hobbies they enjoy, like reading, drawing, or gardening, can help them feel more at ease.
  • Encourage Independence: One of the most important things you can do is give your loved one the freedom to make their own decisions. This could include choosing daily activities, setting up furnishings, or selecting the decor. Giving them more say in these choices can increase their feeling of control.