As you get older, you may not be able to keep up with the maintenance demands of a large house anymore, or you may need help with other tasks of everyday life. If you are struggling with these sorts of tasks, then we at Vienna Village Assisted Living encourage you and your family to start looking for other solutions, such as moving to a retirement home like ours. In this article, our team will go over a few key things to look for when choosing a retirement home to move to.
- Location – When you choose a retirement home, one factor you should consider is its location. Ideally, you’ll want something close to your family and friends, so they can continue to visit often.
- Community – We also encourage you to consider the community life at each retirement home. Staying active and/or socializing often has been shown to increase quality of life and wellbeing in old age, so our team at Vienna Village offers plenty of opportunities to socialize with other residents.
- Independence – A third factor to consider is the retirement home’s attitude toward independence. Our team at Vienna Village understands you need support for certain tasks, such as yard maintenance, but we strive to maximize your independence as much as possible. The residents in our retirement community are frequently able to live more independently with our support than they could at home—with our staff to take care of maintenance tasks, you can focus on doing more of what makes you happy.